County employee charged with possession of child pornography

On Behalf of | Mar 29, 2014 | Child Pornography

Being caught with child pornography is not only embarrassing, but it usually results in search and seizure of some of your most personal belongings. Your computer and technology devices may be confiscated and your home or office searched. At this point, most people jump on the phone and contact an attorney for advice and representation. This is the right thing to do because it is important to know what your rights are in such a situation.

A Baltimore County employee, who was being investigated by the Baltimore County Police Department’s Crimes Against Children Unit, has been accused of possessing and distributing child pornography. The investigation started last year in November due to a tip that was received from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The man has been employed by the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections for 11 years. He was an inspector. Allegedly, the county plans to terminate him based on the charges. He is currently suspended with pay.

Police, who apparently seized his electronic devices, claim to have found more than 5,000 pictures and videos of child pornography. The images allegedly include boys and girls in puberty, as well as prepubescent. Even pictures or videos of babies and toddlers were reported.

The county employee’s computer also showed a trail of chat room participation with others interested in child pornography. The investigation is not complete at this time. Investigators have found no evidence of the man misusing county equipment by viewing or downloading any of the pornography at work.

The 58-year-old man went on his own to the Towson precinct and turned himself in on Friday morning. He has since been released on bail in the amount of $125,000.

Source: WBAL TV, “Baltimore County employee faces child porn charges” Saliqa Khan, Mar. 21, 2014

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