State patrol urging expanding use of ignition interlock devices in DUI cases

On Behalf of | Apr 13, 2015 | Drunk Driving

Among the various penalties motorists can expect to face if they are convicted of DUI is the requirement of using an ignition interlock device. These are the devices which require a driver to provide a breath sample before their vehicle is able to start. The devices are commonly seen as an effective way to keep offenders off the road, even though there are abuses.

According to the Colorado Department of Revenue’s Division of Motor Vehicles, first-time DUI offenders are required to use an ignition interlock device in several potential situations. These include: anytime a driver is caught with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 or above; upon a first DUI conviction if the driver’s BAC was at least .15; or when there is a refusal to submit to chemical testing. The minimum length of time the device must be used depends on which scenario is involved. 

Right now, Colorado lawmakers are contemplating a change to existing law which would expand the use of ignition interlock devices for drunk drivers. The Maryland State Patrol, naturally, has expressed strong support for the proposal, claiming that more lives would be saved.

As helpful as ignition interlock devices may be in promoting highway safety, they are obviously burdensome on those who are required to use them. It is important, therefore, for drivers to work with an experienced attorney to help ensure that they are not subjected to the use of these devices unnecessarily.

Minimizing the consequences of DUI charges, of course, is an important goal of all DUI defense, and working with an experienced attorney can help ensure that one puts the best case forward in court. 

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