If you were arrested following a field sobriety test, then some of your Constitutional rights begin to kick in. Among those protections are the Miranda Rights. Miranda Rights are not explicitly permitted or required by the Constitution. Instead, the Supreme Court...
Can you get a DUI charge off your record?
A driving under the influence ("DUI" and also "DWI") charge is one of the easiest charges for which people can get arrested. It is also one of the charges that can follow you around for years, impacting your future employment, education and other life developments....
Understanding college disciplinary hearings in Maryland
Colleges and universities have honor codes that prohibit many types of behavior, including underage drinking, drug use and certain types of sexual behavior, such as rape, inappropriate touching and nonconsensual sexual contact.Have you been accused of sexual...
What happens to you when you drink, pt. 2?
The reason that there is a legal limit regarding blood alcohol content while driving is because drinking can severely impact the ability to safely control a vehicle. As discussed in a prior article, alcohol affects everyone in different ways. And it is mistake to...
Man sentenced to 21 years for online child exploitation
This particular defendant was sentenced to federal prison by the Eastern District of Virginia. He was charged with several counts of possessing and producing child pornography. He was arrested for participating in and operating two websites that enticed and coerced...
Your right to privacy and your computer
The Fourth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution that address search and seizure limits for police and other law enforcement. The amendment basically states that a person's home, business, or other property cannot be searched by police looking for evidence of a crime...
Why is the drinking age 21 and over? Part 2
As discussed in a prior article, the United States is unique among wealthy countries in that its drinking age is relatively high. Alcohol affects teenagers much faster and much harder than adults, which is why the U.S. drinking age is higher than other countries. This...
Man sentenced to 10 years for possessing child pornography
Child pornography and exploitation charges are serious because of the inherent bias that everyone holds toward these offenses. Judges, juries, prosecutors and sometimes even your defense attorney will hold bias or distaste toward you. Don't let these feelings...
What happens when you drink, pt 1?
Humans tend to be naturally optimistic. People never believe they are going to be the statistic or that they are the exception to the rule. That is why hard and fast rules regarding blood alcohol levels are critical. It cuts through these personal feelings of...
Why is the drinking age 21 and over, pt. 1?
The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has such a high drinking age requirement. Europe and Asia all have drinking ages that are lower than the U.S. limit. Why is the United States drinking age so high? Is it based on politics? Or is it based...