Online ad leads to prostitution charges against 2 Maryland women

On Behalf of | Feb 20, 2014 | Solicitation and Prostitution

Prostitution is a serious crime that is punishable by fines and jail time. In many situations, people charged with this crime will face difficulties in a court of law, especially when there is significant evidence against them. It is often necessary for people charged with prostitution to take steps to protect their rights throughout the legal process. In cases like the following, solicitation and prostitution can have serious penalties.

In Maryland, two women were arrested and charged with prostitution. The two were also charged with establishing a building for prostitution use. Each of these crimes carry hefty penalties and could lead to jail time if the two are convicted.

In this case, police report that they received complaints regarding online advertisements. The complaints indicated that people may have been advertising sexual services in exchange for money through the website. As a result of the complaints, the police set up further investigation. The women where then arrested as a result of the operation.

Though the details of this case are limited, prostitution in any form can be a challenging situation for anyone involved. As a result of an undercover operation like this, men and women in such a situation may wish to work closely with an experienced attorney specializing in this area of the law. An attorney may be able to determine whether all laws were followed by police in order to obtain the evidence in the first place, and can work to protect the legal rights of people who have been charged. 

Source:, “2 arrested for alleged prostitution,” Feb. 4, 2014

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