Solicitation and Prostitution
If you have been accused of prostitution or soliciting a prostitute, the damages to your reputation and your family relationships can be far more serious than any criminal penalties you face. A defense attorney who understands the appropriate defenses can ensure the fullest protection of your rights and privacy.
Call 844-899-3179 for a Free Consultation About Your Legal Defense
I am Charles L. Waechter, a criminal defense lawyer with offices in Baltimore, Annapolis, Ocean City and Bel Air. If you have been charged with solicitation or prostitution anywhere in Maryland, I offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.
I represent agencies facing allegations of prostitution, as well as people who work for them. I also represent people who are arrested for street-level prostitution and solicitation.
Defenses in Prostitution Cases
Prostitution arrests often follow a sting operation with an uncover police officer. If sufficient evidence exists that you engaged in prostitution or solicitation (such as a discussion of sex and a money offer) then my goal is to resolve the case quickly, quietly and without the stigma of a criminal conviction, if possible.
Prostitution and solicitation charges in Maryland can often be resolved with probation before judgment. By performing community service and successfully completing probation, you can avoid a conviction and not end up with a criminal record.
Keeping your criminal history as clean as possible is important, especially if you are charged with a sex-related offense. Today more than ever, a criminal record is accessible to anyone who wants to see it, including employers, landlords, banks and others.
Free Consultation With an Experienced Prostitution Defense Attorney
If you face prostitution or solicitation charges in Maryland, contact me, criminal defense attorney Charles L. Waechter, for help.