In Maryland in 2013, there was a sexual abuse case against a D.C.-area swim coach that hit the news. Now, a woman is claiming that she, too, was a victim of sexual abuse back in 1984. The coach was arrested and charged in 2013 for an unrelated case; he took a guilty plea. The woman has come out and said that she was also one of his sexual abuse victims over 30 years ago when she was 7 years old.
The woman states that she went through a period of grief and trauma, but she never came forward about being assaulted. The coach was a family friend, she claimed, which made the situation complicated. She doesn’t believe that the maximum limit of 10 years in prison for sexual abuse the man allegedly committed over 30 years ago is enough, because it’s not justice.
The man is already facing time for his past crimes, and there is a limit on how he can be punished for crimes that allegedly happened decades ago. The police have stated that they think there were other victims as well, but since no one has come forward, they can’t be sure.
If you’re accused of a crime like this man has, it can go from bad to worse when additional people start making allegations against you. If the case is similar in that you allegedly committed a crime decades ago, there may be limitations to how you can be punished, if at all. Additionally, you have the right to defend yourself and disprove any claims. If there is little or no evidence, then you may be able to have the case dropped.
Source: ABC 7, “Md. woman sexually abused by swim coach Chris Huott as a child speaks out” Joce Sterman, Sep. 10, 2014