Though there has been a lot of talk recently about easing up the penalties and consequences that people who are convicted of committing drug crimes are subjected to, there are still plenty of people serving heavy jail time for non-violent crimes that involve drugs. It feel, more and more, that the stigma attached to drugs is the key driving force behind these astonishing punishments.
Drug charges often haunt a person for a long time after the punishment linked to their offense is over. A drug charge could lead to someone missing out on a job opportunity that they otherwise would have gotten if they simply didn’t have a criminal past. A drug charge could also dash a person’s chances at getting an apartment that they really wanted. The criminal history part of a drug charge can truly ruin a person’s life.
Things only get worse as the severity of the drug charge elevates. When you get to the federal level, drug charges come with extensive prison terms and crippling fines, not to mention numerous other penalties that can be piled on top of these two consequences.
Regardless of your drug charge — may it be at the federal level or not — you need to defend your case. We can help you in this regard. At the Law Offices of Charles L. Waechter, we have nearly three decades of experience defending drug cases. We will do everything in our power to help you during the case, and we will vigorously pursue any opportunities for reduced penalties or mistakes made by the police that could be related to your case.