Zero tolerance laws explained

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2016 | Underage Drinking

You are driving along. You don’t feel drunk or even buzzed, but you did have a beer. A police officer pulls you over because of a moving violation. The officer notices your red eyes and asks to administer a breathalyzer. You consent because you are definitely below the legal limit, 0.08 percent. Luckily you blow, and it is only a 0.02. However, the officer arrests you and charges you with drunken driving. How is this possible? You were just charged under a zero tolerance drinking policy. This post will discuss zero tolerance laws and how they operate.

Unlike adults, minors are subject to a separate DUI/DWI breath test limit. For an adult, the acceptable blood-alcohol content is 0.08 percent. But for a juvenile, it is usually 0.01 percent or “zero tolerance.” All of the states and the District of Colombia are zero tolerance for minors.

Zero tolerance means that your child is not permitted to consume any alcohol, and if they do, they are subject to criminal charges, whether it involves driving or not. States use zero tolerance laws to discourage minors (and their parents) from engaging in underage drinking. Of course, this is a noble goal, but we know that everyone makes mistakes, especially as a young person.

If your child was arrested for a minor in consumption charge, then you may want to speak to a lawyer. These charges could implicate their professional or educational future. Certain charges must be disclosed to colleges and employers. A lawyer can help you protect your child’s future and ensure that a few mistakes do not ruin their entire future.

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