American sex tourist imprisoned in Costa Rica

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2016 | Sex Crimes

A prominent sex tourism blogger was arrested in Costa Rica earlier in September. The blogger, David Strecker, built a prominent online website based on his adventures throughout South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Mr. Strecker is an unabashed fan of prostitution and sex tourism. He published a book and garnered a significant following on his websites as he discussed his exploits.

But, it appears that Mr. Strecker may be reaching the end of his overseas adventures. Earlier in September, Costa Rican police arrested him at the airport under a new interpretation of a law intended to combat illegal sexual tourism, for instance, sex trafficking.

That human trafficking law prohibits the use of any media to promote Costa Rica as a sex tourism destination. Mr. Strecker argues that his blog does not endorse or promote sex tourism. Rather, he argues, the blog simply provides information to other people already interested in traveling to Costa Rica for sex.

Sex tourism remains a delicate topic for many countries. Prostitution may be permitted but, like in Costa Rica, some governments try to clean up their image to promote a more family-friendly environment.

If you were arrested for sexual misconduct, then you may want to contact an attorney. A lawyer may be able to help you avoid the professional and personal consequences of a sex crime charge. As you can see, even traveling abroad may be insufficient to avoid these charges. These are charges you may not want to face alone, that is where an experience attorney may be able to assist.

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