Charges related to Internet child pornography are often classified as federal crimes. They can carry serious consequences for those convicted, including spending time in federal prison. Even accusations can damage a person’s reputation, perhaps irrevocably.
The charges leveled against someone regarding child pornography will vary based on a number of factors. Making and distributing child pornography are more serious crimes than possessing it. However, a person charged with possession of child pornography may be charged based on the ages of the children, the number of images and the activities depicted in the images.
Those convicted of child pornography crimes can end up being on lifetime federal probation and supervision by the federal government after time served. Registration as a sex offender is often a requirement. People can lose custody and visitation rights of their children.
When we represent clients charged with these crimes, we investigate the evidence to ensure that it was recovered legally. If evidence obtained through illegal searches and seizures of computers and other digital equipment as well as images can be suppressed, it can result in a dismissal of charges.
Obviously, every case is different. Sometimes the person charged had no knowledge that he or she was in possession of child porn. However, even for those who plead guilty, there are proactive alternatives, like entering a treatment program, that can help mitigate harsher consequences.
We offer free consultations to discuss potential clients’ individual situations. Therefore, they have nothing to lose by seeking our guidance.
Child pornography charges should never be taken lightly. No one should ever try to fight them on his or her own.