Former Secret Service agent sentenced to 2 decades in prison

On Behalf of | May 23, 2017 | Sex Crimes

Secret Service agents are widely considered among the most-respected law enforcement agents in the country. However, members of that elite group have had more than a few scandals and arrests in recent years.

Now a 38-year-old Maryland man who was once a uniformed officer with the Secret Service has been sentenced to two decades behind bars. He was arrested in November 2015 for sending underage girls sexually explicit photos and messages. According to prosecutors, the man, who is also a former Marine, communicated with some of these girls in multiple states while he was on duty as a White House guard.

In addition to his prison sentence, the man will be on a sex offender registry and spend the rest of his life under court supervision. He must also undergo treatment.

His wife asked the court for the minimum possible sentence of ten years for the “benefit our children, as well as myself.” In her statement, she called him “a genuinely good and decent person.”

However, prosecutors sought life imprisonment for him because he sent these materials, including pictures of his genitals, while he was working as “an armed guard at the single most important residence in our constitutional republic.”

The man was caught when a Delaware State Police Officer with the state’s Child Predator Task Force posed as an underage girl.

An arrest for a sex crime can cost a person his or her career, reputation and family. A conviction can follow people for the rest of their lives. That’s why it’s essential to seek the help of an experienced Maryland criminal defense attorney to protect your rights and help you work to get any treatment you might need.

Source: NBC News, “Ex-Secret Service Officer Gets 20 Years for Sexting Teens From White House,” Alex Johnson, May 18, 2017

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