Why you may need a home Breathalyzer

On Behalf of | Dec 4, 2017 | Drunk Driving Charges

Most people associate Breathalyzer devices with traffic stops. Police officers often use them to determine a driver’s breath alcohol content (BAC) and whether it’s within the legal limit.

An ignition interlock device (IID) is a type of Breathalyzer. Sometimes, people convicted of DUIs are required to have an IID installed in their vehicles as a condition of getting their driver’s license back and to prevent them from driving under the influence.

People can also purchase Breathalyzer devices for personal use. Sometimes they are court-ordered if one of the stipulations of serving home detention rather than time behind bars or of being on probation is not drinking. They can be set up to relay test results to a designated recipient or agency. They may have to submit to regularly-scheduled as well as random testing.

Tampering with the device can be spotted, and will likely result in further legal problems. Some devices even have cameras that record the face of the user. If a person has been ordered to submit to home Breathalyzer testing and fails to comply, he or she could end up in (or back in) jail.

Sometimes parents use them to determine whether their children have been drinking. Family members may buy a home Breathalyzer to periodically test a loved one who is in recovery. Obviously, in these scenarios, there’s some lack of trust. However, often it’s more important to keep a loved one safe than to worry about resentments that such measures may cause.

If you’ve been ordered to submit to home Breathalyzer testing, it’s essential to understand the specific requirements and to adhere to them. It can be an option to staying out of jail or shortening your jail stay. If you have any questions about the court order or have violated it in some way, a Maryland criminal defense attorney can provide answers.

Source: IgnitionInterlockInfo, “Home breathalyzers,” accessed Dec. 04, 2017

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