Defendant gets 235 months in prison for child pornography charge

On Behalf of | Jun 11, 2014 | Child Pornography

A criminal defendant who had pleaded guilty to sex crimes against a teenage boy will serve 235 months in prison as a term of his plea deal. The defendant, a 49-year-old man, was facing allegations of production of child pornography after he reportedly taped a teen boy in the bathroom of his home. The defendant was accused of using secret cameras to capture images of the teen as he was showering and using the restroom.

Authorities report that the man, who lives in Mechanicsville, Maryland, was living with a family from February to May 2013. He shared a bathroom with the teenage boy. During that time, the man reportedly captured at least 18 videos showing the victim in various stages of undress and in the shower. The cameras had reportedly been staged at an angle designed to capture images of the victim’s genital area. Several videos were found on the defendant’s collection of electronic devices, including a laptop and cellphone.

The victim in this case was not aware that the recording was occurring. Federal officials say they seized various recording devices from the defendant and the family with whom he was living. Just one day before the defendant’s arrest, a package came to the family’s home; a hidden camera inside a weather clock was found inside that box. A camera watch was reportedly used to record the actual images of the victim. Videos from that device allegedly showed the defendant’s face.

The defendant in this child pornography case may have chosen to pursue a guilty plea because of the amount of condemning evidence. Further, he is also being sentenced in connection with a sexual abuse case in the St. Mary’s County Circuit Court. A guilty plea may be appropriate for some criminal defendants, but it is not the right path for everyone. Defendants and their attorneys should carefully weigh all factors in the case before deciding on a plea.

Source: Southern Maryland Online, “Mechanicsville Man Gets 235 Months for Recording Teen in Bathroom” No author given, Jun. 04, 2014

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