The use of DUI checkpoints to sniff out drunk drivers is a common practice today. However, many believe these checkpoints violate their 4th Amendment rights and that they are unconstitutional.However, the courts of consistently upheld the legality of DUI checkpoints -...
Megan’s Law initiated sex offender registries
Megan's Law modifies the earlier Wetterling Act, which gives law enforcement more powers to track and find sex offenders. The first Megan's Law was passed in New Jersey following the rape and murder of seven-year-old Megan, mere feet from her home. It was later passed...
An overview of indecent exposure laws
Most states have some version of an indecent exposure law. At its most basic, you violate the indecent exposure laws when you display your genitals in public. Moreover, the nature of that display and where you do can also go to the severity of the charge and...
Facing drug charges? Consider rehab.
If you or a loved one has been charged with a drug crime in Maryland, you are facing serious penalties. The minimum sentence for possessing one ounce of an illegal drug is 90 days in jail and a fine up to $500. If you're caught in possession of 10 grams to 50 lbs. of...
What happens if your license is administratively suspended?
Several states have passed laws that allow the police to administratively suspend people's drivers' licenses. This means that a police officer can pull you over and begin levying punishments before there has been any investigation, trial or conviction. Administrative...
Pandering and pimping charges can stem from a variety of acts
Criminal investigations and trials are complicated. Often a single criminal act can result in multiple charges. Pimping is one of these crimes that often involve multiple criminal charges from the same act. This post will go over pimping and pandering and how you...
Study finds ignition interlock devices are a success
Drunk driving remains an endemic problem in the United States. A large number of drunk drivers are arrested every year and the police keep coming up with new ways to catch and discourage this behavior. One of these new techniques is the ignition interlock device. This...
The legal limits of underage drinking
Zero tolerance laws aren?t the only restriction on drinking for minors. Many states have also enacted "minor in possession" or "minor in consumption" laws. These laws criminalize a minor possessing or being affected by alcohol. Think of these as similar to drug laws;...
Man goes to prison for crimes committed in Cambodia
The U.S. Federal Government has begun aggressively pursuing crimes committed overseas. It has expanded its reach from drugs, terrorism, human trafficking and into child sexual abuse. While the age of consent is usually at least 16 in most countries, most third world...