Police officers in this country work hard to serve the people they are sworn to protect. However, they sometimes become overzealous in their pursuit of justice and, either intentionally or unintentionally, trample on a person's rights, potentially leading to an...
2 men face criminal charges in murder of suspected drug dealer
Police often have a difficult job. For example, they are tasked with investigating suspicious deaths. As they do so, they often face pressure from the victim's family and the general public to provide answers, and even those officers with the best of intentions can...
Maryland man accused of sex crimes faces several charges
In the midst of the holiday season, shoppers are out in droves, bustling from store to store as they purchase gifts for loved ones or simply take advantage of seasonal discounts. Unfortunately, some of these people could become a victim of a crime. Police claim that...
Firefighters accused of prescription fraud in Maryland
This country is in a very public war on drugs. While attempting to remove drugs -- including illegal prescription drugs -- from the streets may be a noble cause, the public nature of the so-called war could lead to overzealous officers and prosecutors mistakenly...
Maryland woman accused of multiple theft crimes
As most people are aware, people in this country have many rights. Fortunately, those who are suspected of crimes are protected from wrongful arrests and convictions by various safeguards. Because the average person may be unaware of all his or her rights -- and what...
Michael Phelps gets probation for DUI guilty plea
Olympic swimming legend Michael Phelps’ drinking and driving case has been resolved, with Phelps receiving a one-year jail sentence and 18 months of supervised probation in exchange for a guilty plea. The judge suspended the jail term, as long as Phelps complies with...
Penalties of DUI aren’t limited to just the legal consequences
Last week we wrote a post about drugged driving, and why anyone who is accused of this offense needs to consult an attorney to protect their rights. When a criminal investigation is opened into offenses like this, any misstep by the police or the prosecution could...
Bail hearing law in Maryland an example of other reminders
If you are accused of a crime, before any of the TV-show-exaggerated courtroom scenes take a grip on your mind, there will be a relatively straightforward -- yet incredibly important -- proceeding called a bail hearing. One of the things that happens at this hearing...
What are the penalties for marijuana offenses in DC and Maryland?
While the national debate rages on as to whether marijuana should be legalized or not, it is easy to forget that on a federal level the substance is still considered illegal. Many states, and even counties, are changing their laws to decriminalize marijuana. So let's...
Man faces drug and weapons charges following traffic stop
While it is fair to say that no one wants to be pulled over for a traffic stop, in most cases that is all it is and after receiving a warning or a ticket, the driver will be on his or her way. This is not the way all of these traffic stops end however. The recent...