We’ve already pointed out in previous posts that whether or not it is wise to submit to a breath test during a DUI investigation in Maryland depends on the specific factors at play in each case. Oftentimes, it is difficult for a motorist to determine for sure whether...
Should I refuse a breath test? P. 3
We’ve been looking at the question of whether or not it is wise to refuse submitting to a breath test. Readers who have been following these posts may have noticed that we have not given a hard and fast answer. Rather, we’ve explained the consequences of a refusal and...
Should I refuse a breath test? P. 2
In our previous post, we brought up the issue of whether it is ever wise to refuse a breath test during a DUI investigation. As we pointed out, refusing a breath test does not necessarily guarantee that the individual under investigation will avoid a DUI charge, and...
Should I refuse a breath test?
In our last couple posts, we’ve been talking about breath testing, first, in connection with the growing popularity of consumer level breath test smartphone apps and, second, in connection with the accuracy of breath tests from an evidentiary standpoint. Here we want...
Breath test accuracy an important issue to explore in DUI defense
In our last post, we spoke a bit about a new app developed by the state of Maryland which is supposed to help drivers discern when they’ve had too much to drink. As we noted, these devices may be helpful to an extent, but they offer no protection to a driver accused...
DUI apps helpful, but no defense to criminal charges
Drunk-driving is obviously a serious issue, and efforts to fight the problem are important for public safety. However, most people are aware that drunk-driving can sometimes come about because of an honest mistake of judgment. Misjudging the extent of one’s...
Police misconduct in criminal investigations, P.2
In our last post, we began speaking about the issue of police misconduct and the importance of criminal defendants scrutinizing police investigations in building a strong criminal defense case. The importance of this scrutiny lies not only in catching any evidentiary...
Police misconduct in criminal investigations, P.1
Police misconduct has been an issue of growing national importance in recent months due in large part to high profile cases involving the use of deadly force against unarmed men. Baltimore police, it turns out, are familiar with the issue of police misconduct....
Double jeopardy at issue in indictment of Baltimore man
Criminal defense cases sometimes follow a winding road rather than a straight one. That certainly seems to be true of a Baltimore criminal case against a man accused of murdering a North Carolina teenager back in 2010. The man’s connection to the teen was reportedly...
Renewed efforts to legalize marijuana still precarious
Maryland readers are probably all aware of the discussions currently going on among lawmakers regarding the possibility of passing a measure to legalize marijuana. As elsewhere, public support for such a measure has increased in recent years, and although previous...