A commonly assigned penalty after a DUI/DWI conviction is DUI classes. In a DUI class, an instructor teaches the class about the effect alcohol has on the body, the risk of drinking and driving, and why people drink in the first place. The purpose of the classes is to...
A new crime is emerging: sextortion
Sextortion is a new crime in which people use hacking, extortion, and sexual harassment to coerce a person into providing sexual images, favors, or money. This crime, while relatively new, is on the rise according to the FBI. This post will go over this new crime and...
Blackout Wednesday – The biggest drinking night of the year
There are some nights that seem to be obvious contenders for being big drinking nights, such as New Years Eve and Saint Patrick's Day. However, another evening appears to have both of these beat: the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.Referred to by some as Black...
Recreational, medical marijuana laws pass in four states
November 8th was a big day for many people, elated or despondent; it was a big day for the country. On November 8, four more states legalized recreational marijuana, California, Nevada, Maine, and Massachusetts. They join Colorado, Washington, and Oregon who legalized...
Know your rights during a DUI stop
As the holiday season approaches, police are stepping up their DUI patrols. This includes an increase in DUI checkpoints. When you hit the roads this fall and winter, it is important to know your rights during a DUI stop - whether you have been drinking or...
University of Maryland beefing up sexual assault investigations
Not every young adult has an easy transition going from high school to college. High school students are juveniles who are given much latitude when it comes to their actions, and have their parents present to lean on when things go south. College students are legally...
Nine mistakes you should never make at a DUI checkpoint
DUI checkpoints are static stops in which police stop every car and inspect it for suspicion of drunk or drugged driving. Checkpoints are used by all law enforcement agencies across the country. This post will go over the nine mistakes to avoid when you go through a...
Convicted Maryland DUI drivers will have officer’s photo in car
As part of "Noah's Law," convicted DUI drivers will now carry a postage-sized stamp of the face of an officer killed by a drunk driver. Noah?s Law was passed in response to Officer Noah Leotta's death by a drunk driver at a sobriety checkpoint. This post will go over...
Colleges are cracking down on parties to fight sexual assaults
Dozens of universities are cracking down on drinking on campus, off-campus, and for all students. The crackdown spans from the east coast to the west coast, and it takes a variety of forms. The one unifying goal is reducing alcohol consumption as a tool to combat...
Can a DUI be charged as a misdemeanor?
Yes, it possible, but that is the exception rather than the rule. You are entitled to a reduced DUI charge as a matter of law. It is up to the discretion of the prosecutor and, to some degree, the judge. This post will go over how that may happen and what a...