SoberRide promotion aims to decrease drunk driving this season

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2018 | Drunk Driving Charges

If your holiday celebrations take you near or into the Washington, D.C., area any time through New Year’s Eve and you have the Lyft app on your phone, you can save some money and get a safe ride home. That’s thanks to a partnership between Lyft and the Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP).

The two have been providing a SoberRide service throughout the D.C. metro area since mid-December from 8 p.m. through 4 a.m. each night. The service is available in Prince George’s and Montgomery counties in Maryland and throughout Northern Virginia.

Riders can go to the SoberRide website to get a promotional code to enter into their Lyft app for $15.00 off their ride. The current promo code is valid until Dec. 31, and then a new one for New Year’s Eve will be posted.

According to the head of WRAP, which is a nonprofit organization, almost 2,000 people took advantage of the SoberRide promotion last year. He says, “For SoberRide’s hours of operation on New Year’s alone, this level of ridership (1,225) translated into SoberRide removing a would-be drunk driver from Greater Washington’s roadways nearly every 23 seconds.”

The SoberRide program is also available throughout the area on other holidays that are known for their heavy drinking. These include St. Patrick’s Day, Fourth of July and Halloween.

It’s nice to get a $15.00 credit — especially on holidays when ride sharing services’ rates are higher due to the large number of customers. However, even a Lyft or Uber “surge rate” is much less expensive than the cost of a DUI.

Most people who are arrested for DUI thought they could make it home or to another destination without being pulled over — or worse, being involved in a crash. However, law enforcement officers are trained to spot impaired drivers on the roads. If you’ve been arrested for DUI, regardless of the circumstances, it’s essential to understand the potential ramifications to your life — possibly for many years to come — and to seek experienced legal guidance.

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