Sexual abuse reports at University of Maryland hit 71

On Behalf of | May 23, 2014 | Sexual Abuse

The crime reports for 2012 have been released at the University of Maryland, as is the standard practice once all of the data is collected. This does tend to run a bit behind, as the data for 2013 is not yet out, even in 2014, but it gives the public access to the crimes that students report on campus.

The types of crimes reported can include major felonies, sexual abuse cases, robberies and burglaries, murders and smaller crimes. These are then compiled and released in their categories. A quick look at the data for 2012 shows that 71 instances of sex crimes were brought to the attention of the authorities. While some of these dealt with rape, there were also other types of sexual assault.

This is an increase from the amount reported in 2012, which was about 20 cases lower. However, when looking at the compiled data for multiple years, it does almost adhere to the expected levels, which range most often from 45 to 65 each year. The spike may indicate a change, but it may only indicate an outlier, which can be identified when there is more data to compare.

The government, under President Obama, has been working to fight back against sexual assault that takes place at various college campuses across the United States, including the campus of the University of Maryland.

It is often said that sexual abuse is under-reported, and this report shows that a certain amount of it definitely takes place on college campuses. Individuals who have been involved in something like this, or who will soon be attending college, should know what rights they have in the wake of such an incident.

Source: The Baltimore Sun, “Md. campuses reported 71 sex offenses in 2012” Carrie Wells, May. 05, 2014

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